How to Keep Your House Clean All Winter
Posted on 17/01/2024
Best Winter Home Maintenance Tips
Winter is hardly the cleaning season, as many would have figured it out by now. People are too cold to consider the slightest possibility of leaving the nice warm spot on the sofa for doing some house cleaning. And it is not even a season that motivates cleaning as there is simply so much of it. The kids get home, and you get snow and mud on the carpet. The dog goes for a walk and you get splashes in every corner imaginable. And how are you supposed to cope with that for four months? Here are some tips to that end.

1. Keep a Schedule
A domestic cleaning schedule will get you through the week much easier than forcing yourself to do immediate chores. Set some ground rules, set a timetable that you will be following throughout the week. Be sure to do the chores properly and when the schedule says you have to, and pretty soon the entire thing will turn into a routine – make it a habit instead of something you have to get in the mood to do. Practice makes perfect, and repetition is easy to practice.
2. Have the Family Help
If you are not the only one living in that house, then you should also not be the only one doing the hard work. Chores are for the whole family, especially when you are supposed to be keeping the whole house clean for an entire season. Separate the chores and get all family members involved. Carpet cleaning goes to messy children, the husband can take care of the upholstery cleaning (the sofa he likes to spend all that time on). The good wife can handle the more difficult home cleaning chores, especially if she trusts no one else to do it right. Sharing is caring, as they say, so share the chores and show the family how much you care.
3. Provide Rewards for Cleanliness
Naturally, it’s simpler to have the family do less mess than actually help around the house. One great way of getting their help that way is to give away rewards for not making a mess, or at least for cleaning after themselves. Think about little things – the things that make the holidays special and suggest the rewards. And you can then see just how helpful the family can be.
4. Take Turns
Another way to put a spin on things is if someone takes the responsibility off your hands every now and then. Designate a day of cleaning for every family member. Add that to the schedule and make it more complete. Think about what needs cleaning on a regular basis and take care of it pre-emptively with the help of your family so that you do not have to do it all alone later.
Think about these tips and make use of them to make home cleaning easier, and then to keep the house clean for the rest of the winter season as well. It does not take too much hard work. Organise the process and reap the rewards of living in a clean home!