How to Clean the Insides of Your Windows in Putney

Posted on 28/07/2015

window cleaning

How to Clean Your Windows Inside and Out

Keeping your windows in Putney clean is just as important as keeping your carpets clean, and though it might not be a job you enjoy, it’s one that really makes a difference to the aesthetics of your home! You windows don’t need cleaning regularly, but they should be cleaned once in a while to ensure that your home is always looking its absolute best. This doesn’t have to be a tough job – in fact, keeping on top of your window cleaning can be quick and easy if you know what to do! You can keep the insides of your windows looking pristine with these easily accomplished tips and tricks!

domestic cleaning preparations

1) Prepare for your domestic cleaning in SW15.
Cleaning your windows in Putney requires the right tools and products, so make sure you have them prepared! You’re going to need a few old towels to place on the floors before starting, as well as a cleaning agent of your choice, soft cloths and warm water.

start the window clean

2) Where to start.
Lay your old towels or sheets beneath your windows to collect any water that may drip. If you’re using a window cleaning product then prepare this following the instructions on the packaging. If not, try mixing warm water with a drop or two of washing up liquid for an effective and cheap window cleaning agent!

dusting window panes

3) Dusting.
The dust around your windows can become a problem if you start rinsing with water right away. Take a clean cloth or duster and wipe away any dust to ensure your windows and frames are as free of dust as possible before beginning. It’s also a good idea to dust the area around your window too – especially on and around your blinds and curtain poles.

washing windows

4) Washing your windows.
Take a sponge or cloth and soak it in your cleaning agent or water and washing up liquid mixture. Starting in the upper left-hand corner, soak the window and buff using an “S” shaped pattern. This is the best way to ensure your windows in SW18 are thoroughly cleaned and will leave as few streaks and marks as possible! You might be used to wiping using circular motions, or even rubbing downwards, but cleaning using an “S” shape is definitely more effective and will provide you with a better result!


5) Drying your windows.
Leaving your windows to dry natural can cause streaking, and the excess water can make its way into the frames of your windows in Putney, which can cause problems. Dry your windows thoroughly with a dry cloth or microfiber cloth to make sure you avoid this issue!

cleaning window frames

6) Cleaning your window frames.
Take another cloth or sponge and dampen it with a mild cleaning agent or use your water and liquid soap. Gently buff at your window frames to remove dirt and grime, and then dry with a clean cloth.

window maintenance

7) Keeping your windows looking their best.
You don’t need to clean your windows in SW15 frequently, but try to make this a part of your annual routine. Window cleaning is recommended to be done twice a year, but it’s worth checking your windows and frames to see if they need more regular attention. Keep your window frames looking their best all year round by spot cleaning them regularly with soap, warm water and a dash of washing up liquid. It’s also important to try to dust the areas around your windows, including your windowsills and curtain poles, to prevent a build-up of dust and cobwebs.

Chris Lawton
Chris Lawton

Chris, a seasoned expert in cleaning, has assisted numerous customers in achieving the sanitized property they yearned for. His writings focus on sustainable cleaning methods and providing hassle-free services.

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