Essentials for Father's Day Cleaning

Posted on 17/01/2024

cleaning for Father's Day

Preparing for Father's Day

Father’s day is a special occasion that honours all fathers, grandfathers and father figures as a whole for their contribution to the family. While it is not an official bank holiday, it is still widely popular around the UK. Traditionally, it is held on the third Sunday of June.

This celebration can be traced back to the United States and woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd. It is inspired by the traditional Mother’s Day and has been held ever since 1910, making it over a century old tradition.

Father's Day clean

It is common to honour a father figure by presenting a themed gift. Normally one could expect to see clothing, tools and luxury food or drinks as the top choice to give you dad on this day. While it is a great idea to go with any of those, it could also be just as good to consider a different approach. Fathers are usually quite busy, right? You can expect them to either be buried in work or be involved in a project, such as gardening and home repair that takes all of their attention. That leaves them little to no time to address home cleaning chores. So why not surprise your father by taking care of those for him? It is a gesture they will greatly appreciate, especially since it saves them great effort!

Here is how you can implement this idea:

steam carpet cleaning

-    Sanitise all carpets - the thing about carpet cleaning is that it takes regular effort and time in order to be effective. If your father cannot deal with this, now is the perfect time to surprise him with superbly cleaned carpets and rugs by calling in a steam carpet cleaning service. It is a great method, which removes deeply ingrained stains from inside the carpet fibres and leaves any piece looking like it is brand new. The effect is quite notable, as nothing provides for a cleaner environment at home than a sanitised carpet.

upholstery clean

-    Deal with upholstery as well - while you are it, why not take care of upholstered furniture as well? You know how your dad loves falling asleep on the couch as he watches that football game. It would be great to have the furniture cleaned up, and upholstery steam cleaning is a wonderful method for this task.

house cleaning

-    Do some decluttering - there is no doubt that with such a busy schedule, your father likely has no time to arrange everything in the house. Do him a big favour and declutter rooms around the home. Put clothes in the washing machine and see if there are any items just lying around. It is important not to toss anything, because your father might need it. Pay special attention to the garage, as it is a typical father zone. Pick up tools and leave them at their designated areas.

kitchen cleaning

-    Do some kitchen cleaning - even if your father is not a fan of cooking, you can still help them out by cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. There are many areas that they could miss, such as wiping dust away from the top of cabinets, defrosting the fridge and degreasing the oven. Oven cleaning is an important chore to deal with, especially if there is a big family gathering planned on Father’s Day.

car cleaners

-    Clean his car - if your dad likes his car, then it is a good idea to take it for a thorough deep clean. He will surely appreciate it!

Go out of your way this time around and address some of these tasks for your dad. It will be of great help to him!

Chris Lawton
Chris Lawton

Chris, a seasoned expert in cleaning, has assisted numerous customers in achieving the sanitized property they yearned for. His writings focus on sustainable cleaning methods and providing hassle-free services.

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