Cleaning Your Car Like The Professionals in Brixton Do

Posted on 15/07/2015

car cleaning

Wash Your Car Like a Pro at Home

Nobody in Brixton looks forward to cleaning their car. But if you follow these simple steps, then car cleaning can stop feeling like a chore and be a simple little job that you can do in your spare time. Just running a hose on the outside of your car and a vacuum cleaner around the inside isn’t enough, your car is in constant use and needs the tender, loving care necessary to keep working to its full potential.

empty car

-    Empty  everything
There’s always rubbish you don’t know about in your car, start by removing all of that. Also take out car seats, ash trays, radios and anything else that can be removed from the car. Give them all a clean or wipe down.

dirt removal

-    Loosen the dirt
If you have a small, handheld air compressor to hand in Brixton, SW2, use this to loosen and manoeuvre the dirt, an air compressor can also clear dust and dirt from vents and hard to reach areas (try your neighbours, you’ll be surprised by what people have lying around).
Alternatively, a stiff brush and some elbow grease will have the same effect on your car’s interior.
This will not only help to clean your car, but also remove any lingering, musty smells.

car upholstery cleaning

-    Vacuum
Experiment with the different attachments of your vacuum cleaner, different attachments will be useful for getting into different hard to reach areas of your car.
Once the dirt and grime is loosened (see previous step) then the vacuuming process should pass by relative ease.

car washing

-    Hand wash
Once your interior is looking good as new, it is time to focus on cleaning the outside of your car.
As much as taking the lazier options of a hose is tempting, your car will never look as pristine as it will if you hand wash it.
Don’t use dishwasher detergent or any chemical form of cleaner not specifically designed for your car, most can cause damage to the protective coatings and the paintwork.
Once you have finished washing your car, harness your inner window cleaner and go around the exterior with a rubber bladed squeegee to prevent any smears and watermarks.

clean your car

-    Paint cleaners
For those stubborn marks, like bird droppings and insects, water is sometimes not enough by itself. Use a paint cleaner or make a mixture using paint-cleaning clay and a cleaner wax and watch the marks just disappear.

car protection

-    Protect your paint
As your car’s life goes on, that beautiful shine that first attracted you to it can wear and fade, leaving your vehicle looking like a shadow of its former self. You don’t have to put you or your car through this experience.
Waxing your car will aid it no end, the wax will absorb any small scratches, marks and stains keeping your paintwork safe.
Liquid and paste based waxes are equally effective, it is worth trying both to see which one works best for you and your car.
It is always sensible to wax your car twice, a common misconception in SW9 is that this is to create an extra layer of protection but this is untrue. The second layer of wax simply ensures that any areas you may have missed the first time are covered and protected.

car polishing

-    Polish
A small, oscillating polishing machine is a savvy investment (unless your neighbours in Brixton have one, of course). Polishing by hand is also an option but will use a lot of strength and energy to be done properly.
Many waxes have added polish and vice versa, but doing the two jobs separately in SW2 will ensure that the wax keeps your paint safe, and the polish smoothens the surface of the car and keeps it looking like you’ve just driven it out of the showroom.

Chris Lawton
Chris Lawton

Chris, a seasoned expert in cleaning, has assisted numerous customers in achieving the sanitized property they yearned for. His writings focus on sustainable cleaning methods and providing hassle-free services.

Prices for
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Carpet cleaners 

starting from £28.50

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  • Livingroom carpet
  • Kitchen carpet
  • Kitchen diner carpet
House cleaning

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  • One bedroom flat
  • Two bedroom flat
  • Three bedroom flat
Rug cleaning 

starting from £20.50

  • Small Rug
  • Medium Rug
  • Large Rug

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