Build Team Spirit through Your Office Cleaning

Posted on 26/05/2020


How to Build a Strong Team Spirit?

Building your team spirit through your office cleaning is an activity that every business owner should take on. It is a great challenging team bonding exercise that seems like a lot of hard work when you look at it, however, when done properly it really boosts the morale of the staff and the company overall. There is the temptation of hiring a cleaning company; however, there are a few steps that you can take to have a great office cleaning experience without bringing in professionals.

cleaning schedule
1) Make a rota for your staff. Many people can become very overwhelmed, especially when there are cleaning shifts to be done. One day, a specific person can do a specific activity, such as mopping the floors, and the next day, another person can do the sweeping up. The idea is to always switch the rota around, so that no one feels that they are doing more than their fair share of tasks.

office cleaning

2) Ask your staff on a regular basis what they need help with. You may be surprised to find that hiring a cleaning contractor at least once a month gives your staff a much needed break. It also makes them feel that you appreciate them a whole lot more as well as gives them a chance to see that you are also doing your bit to pitch in and help wherever needed.

office cleaners

3) When someone new joins the team, get them to lend a hand. It is different if you run a corporate office whereby professional cleaners will come in, however if it is a start up it is commonplace that everyone lends a hand. The reason for this is that when people pitch in, that builds up more trust, bonding and loyalty to the team.

cleaning ideas

4) In your spare time, ask staff to each come up with an idea on how to clean more effectively. Sometimes, it is easy to fall into a routine and not really think of anything different, which makes it extremely boring for your staff, not to mention slacking up on their weekly duties.

commercial cleaning

5) A very strong point that most business owners often forget is that what is inspected is often respected. If you ask a member of staff to do something, don't just assume they have done it. When you check up on what they have done, they will remember that for future reference and will have a lot more incentive to actually complete the cleaning you have assigned them to.

cleaning solutions

6) Research on the best cleaning solutions that you need to use to keep your office in the best shape. You can even ask your cleaning company what they use and buy some supplies from them for the times that you don't wish to use them. The idea of getting your team to pitch in aims to ensure they are being as creative as possible!

Remember that although a cleaning company can make your life all that much easier when it comes to having your office look sharp and ready for your staff and clients, it on some level disjoints your team because they feel that they would be able to make a mess and just leave it to someone else to come pick it up. Encourage your team to always pitch in with the cleaning and you will find many rewards that both you and your staff will reap by the end of the day!

Chris Lawton
Chris Lawton

Chris, a seasoned expert in cleaning, has assisted numerous customers in achieving the sanitized property they yearned for. His writings focus on sustainable cleaning methods and providing hassle-free services.

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