4 Helpful Tips To Keep Your Home in Swiss Cottage Sparkling Clean

Posted on 27/03/2015

house clean

Best Ways to Keep Your Home Clean and Tidy

We all want a pristine home in Swiss Cottage; however even once you’ve got your house to the highest possible standards of spotless perfection it can feel almost impossible to maintain that level of cleanliness. However, in order to keep your home tidy, you don’t need to don your marigolds and have a hardcore house cleaning every other day. There are plenty of simple tasks you can do on a regular basis that will leave your house looking as though you’ve had professional cleaners in to do a top to bottom domestic clean. Here are four little things for you to do throughout your day, which will help you keep your home dazzlingly clean:

tidy up
•    Put it back after you use it
This one may sound simple, but it really does work wonders. Keep on top of the little things that can cause big clutter in your home in Swiss Cottage, NW3. Are the kitchen scissors still on your mantle shelf since you did your Christmas wrapping? Or maybe the pile of clothes at the foot of your bed is growing larger by the day? If you take just a few moments to put items in their proper place as soon as you’ve finished using them, then it will make tidying and clearing up a whole lot easier.

waste clearance
•    Chuck the stuff you don't use
Getting rid of your belongings can seem brutal, but in fact, it is an essential way to keep your house clean and clutter free. Maybe there’s an old pair of shoes that you swear you’ll get around to wearing one day, but you haven’t yet despite having owned them for five years. Perhaps there’s a lampshade lying at the back of a cupboard that you love, but have never found a home for. Well, it’s time to say goodbye. Go through the house and ruthlessly purge yourself of everything causing clutter. Make three piles – rubbish, recycle bin and charity shop, and you’ll be delighted at how much it minimises the hassle of cleaning in the future.

house cleaning
•    Get into the routine
Set yourself a cleaning schedule. It goes without saying that a routine makes the whole cleaning process go much more smoothly. If you keep a checklist of tasks to complete on a daily, weekly and monthly basis then you’ll find your house generally more pleasant and comfortable. If you stick to your schedule, then when the time comes for you to do the dreaded spring clean in the NW6 area; you’ll find much of the task is already half done. On your list of daily chores you could include hanging up your clothes, making your bed and doing the washing up. On a weekly basis you might change your bedding, and vacuum or mop the floors. Then once a month, why not empty out and thoroughly clean the fridge, and give your bath and shower a good scrubbing with disinfectant?

keep up with laundry
•    Keep up to speed with your laundry
If you leave it too long, then you can easily become burdened by huge piles of dirty laundry which take up serious amounts of your precious time. By doing a small load of laundry every other day, you will save yourself huge amounts of time and effort in the long run. You could stick on a load of washing when you come from work, and hang it out to dry before you go to bed. You will be grateful not to be weighed down by large amounts of smelly socks and sheets, and your home in Swiss Cottage will also constantly feel clean and smell fresh.

Chris Lawton
Chris Lawton

Chris, a seasoned expert in cleaning, has assisted numerous customers in achieving the sanitized property they yearned for. His writings focus on sustainable cleaning methods and providing hassle-free services.

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